Natural Resources and Real Estate Management

Barclays' seasoned staff of specialists can work with you to help identify ways to make your natural resources and real estate properties more profitable and productive.

The Natural Resources and Real Estate (NRRE) group manages natural resource and real estate properties held in trusts, estates and agency accounts for individuals, corporations, foundations, universities and more. Our dedicated staff of professional foresters, geologists, farm managers and property managers provides real “hands-on” field experience that combines experience and innovative approaches to help you get the most from your property holdings. At Barclays, we manage assets such as:

  • 125,000 acres of farmland
  • 700,000 acres of timberland
  • Over 45,000 oil and gas wells across 3 million acres of oil, gas, and coal producing properties
  • Approximately £344,000,000 in real estate assets

Our seasoned staff of specialists will help your natural resource and real estate properties be more productive and profitable, something we’ve been doing successfully for over 40 years.

Real Estate Management

Our extensive experience in managing real estate properties ranges from single- and multi-family residences to office buildings, warehouses and shopping centers. We are available to help with:

  • Property management
  • Property sales and purchases
  • Income maximization
  • Payment of your insurance premiums, property taxes and mortgage payments
  • Recommendations for repairs and improvements
  • Advice on selling your property or holding it as an investment
  • Periodic inspections, appraisals and annual market value analysis
  • Lease negotiations

Properties held in trusts and managed by Barclays Natural Resources & Real Estate may occasionally be offered for sale.


Our foresters provide forestry management to commercial, trust and private landowners. Barclays foresters have found excellent opportunities for forest landowners to increase their forest income.

Whether the forest resource is for paper, lumber or other wood products, our experienced and dedicated foresters provide valuable management services to our clients.

While investigating all possible sources of income, our Forestry staff will:

  • Inventory your timber to evaluate long-and short-term potential
  • Recommend a program to enhance the productivity of your forestlands
  • Project growth rates and timber volume
  • Design a plan to maximize your income and forest regeneration
  • Establish and maintain all landlines
  • Make periodic inspections to protect your property against dangers of trespass, fire and disease
  • Make property tax payments on your behalf
  • Provide detailed management records
  • Prepare timber sales and lease agreements

Mineral Lands

Effectively managing mineral properties can be a complex and time-consuming task. That's where Barclays' long involvement in the Southeast's mineral industry and our reputation for proactive and innovative management make the difference.

Our mineral management staff is actively involved in leasing and monitoring properties that produce oil, gas and coal as well as other hard minerals, such as stone, clay, sand and gravel. We provide a full spectrum of services, including:

  • Lease negotiations
  • Mining operations, inspection and survey
  • Mineral extractions and royalty payment audits
  • Royalty distribution
  • Creation of mining activity reports
  • Acquisitions
  • Sales

Farm Land

For the many farmland owners who are not active farmers, Barclays provides the experience to help your land achieve its maximum income and growth potential.

A Barclays farm manager will:

  • Analyze the land
  • Prepare a plan that outlines budget requirements, income potential and necessary improvements
  • Recommend erosion control measures and other long-term soil conservation practices, if needed
  • Monitor your cash flow
  • Prepare and update all required documents
  • Make property tax payments on your behalf
  • Regularly inspect your farmland to make sure your lessee is meeting all terms of the lease

Consulting Services

Our experienced staff keeps abreast of current developments and trends through a program of continuing education. We provide consulting services on a fee basis for farms, timberlands, mineral lands and real estate, such as:

  • Land divisions
  • Property sales
  • Acquisitions
  • Leases
  • Negotiations

Trust Services

Our Trust services are backed by the strength and soundness of Barclays Bank and more than 80 years of investment management experience. Barclays manages the assets of many entities, including individuals, corporations, small businesses and foundations.

Call us at 1-205-583-4426