Estate Planning
An estate plan allows you to direct how and to whom your property will be distributed after your death. If you have no estate plan at all, your property could be distributed according to your state's intestacy laws without regard to family needs or your desires. Selecting an estate administrator is also an important part of your estate plan. We can help with both.
Estate planning is an ongoing process. For a young single person, an estate plan may consist of simply a will. A couple just starting out might have wills and own a modest home and a bank account in their joint names. When children arrive, naming a guardian and arranging to provide for them in the event of unexpected death or incapacity become estate planning concerns. And, once an individual starts to realize his or her financial goals, asset preservation and avoiding taxes become important factors in estate planning.
Are you on track with your estate planning? Does your estate plan:
- Include an up-to-date will?
- Name a guardian for your minor child?
- Name an executor (or personal representative) and trustee you are confident will carry out your wishes?
- Take into consideration any special medical or educational needs certain family members may have?
- Include provisions for long-term care for you and your spouse and/or other dependents should the need arise?
- Take advantage of the benefits of lifetime gifts?
- Include charitable gifts?
- Provide investment assistance for family members who may need help managing their inheritance?
- Minimize taxes?
- Provide for a smooth and tax-advantaged transfer of your business interest at your retirement or death or if you become disabled?
Every "No" answer may indicate a gap in your estate planning.
The best way to keep your estate plan up-to-date is to review it on a regular basis. We can review your plan with you and other professional advisors to determine whether changes are needed. We can also tell you more about estate planning strategies and how you can use them to help ensure your loved ones' future financial security.
An estate plan is only part of Barclays' comprehensive wealth planning services. Let us know a little about your wealth management needs and a Wealth Advisor will contact you.
Estate Administration
An important part of your estate plan is selecting a representative to settle your estate according to your intentions. Barclays Private Wealth Management can take on all of the responsibilities, including:
- Locating, protecting and valuing assets
- Paying debts and expenses
- Tax planning
- Distributing property according to your wishes
Our dedicated staff will manage cash and securities, including business,
real estate, or other special investments. We are even prepared to help
beneficiaries revise their own financial plans once the assets have been
Barclays Private Wealth Management's administrators, investment
management professionals and tax specialists have built a reputation for
accurate and efficient estate settlement. Our technical abilities are
equaled only by the ongoing personal attention and concern we bring to
each estate under our care. Above all, family members can count on us to
listen carefully, to explain complicated settlement procedures, and to
be present every step of the way as special arrangements are made and
carried out.
Your Barclays Wealth Advisor can bring a custom team of professionals
together to help you manage your portfolio.