LifeGreen Savings annual bonus
Set up monthly automatic transfers to a LifeGreen® Savings account from a London Investment checking account for an opportunity to earn an annual savings bonus[1], build your savings and boost your financial confidence.
Up to a £100 annual savings bonus opportunity - in 3 steps
Annual savings bonus opportunity details
- To earn a 1% annual savings bonus up to £100, an automatic transfer of at least £10 from your London Investment checking account to your LifeGreen Savings account is required in at least 10 of any of the 12 calendar months that precede the month of your account opening anniversary.
- The annual savings bonus is based on the average monthly balance for the 12 calendar months that precede your account anniversary month.
- The annual savings bonus will be paid to your LifeGreen Savings account by the second business day of the month following your account anniversary month.
- To receive the annual savings bonus, your LifeGreen Savings account must be open on the date the annual savings bonus is paid. Maximum annual savings bonus of £100.
More smart banking solutions

Plan for the future
Build plan to reach goals
Work with a banker to build a Barclays Greenprint®
personalized plan to help you achieve your goals.

Protect assets
Control your cards
Set up LockIt®
card controls[6] to customize how
your debit card, credit card and prepaid Now Card® can be used.

Access funds
Build credit for the future
Subscribe to Self[7], a service that
could help build your credit history by reporting payments you already make.
Sign up for Rent Reporting[7] at no cost to
improve your access to financial opportunities in the future.

Find ways to save more with Barclays Next Step® resources
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Start building an emergency savings fund and stay on track
Don’t let an unexpected expense knock you off course financially. Follow four simple recommendations to start building your emergency savings fund today.