Barclays Now Savings

The Now Savings[1] account is for the primary cardholder of a Barclays Now Card. It has no monthly fee, no minimum balance requirement and gives you the opportunity to earn monthly and annual savings bonuses [2] [3]

Open Now Check rates

What you get with Now Savings

£0 monthly fee

Opportunity to earn an annual savings bonus[2]

Builder bonus paid for no withdrawals[3]

Can be linked to checking for Overdraft Protection

Savings account details

  • Monthly fee

    Account eligibility

    Minimum opening deposit

    • £10 minimum opening deposit.

    Excessive withdrawal/item fee:

    • £3 per withdrawal or transfer in excess of three per month[4].

    Statement options

    • Access to Online Statements[5] with Barclays Online Banking[6] £3 charge for paper statements.
  • Compounded daily, paid monthly on collected balances. Check rates

  • Can be used as Overdraft Protection for your London Investment checking account.
  • With this account, you can get:

    • 1% annual savings bonus up to £100[2] if you make a deposit of at least £5 to your account each calendar month, beginning with the account opening month
    • Earn a £1.00 builder bonus[3] each month you make at least a £5 deposit and have no withdrawals
    • 30% discount on one safe deposit box rental with an additional 10% discount if payment is set up for auto debit from a Barclays account
    • Set up automatic transfers from your London Investment checking account without leaving home with Barclays Online Banking, Mobile Banking and 1-800-Barclays

    Other features include:

    • Free access to Online Banking[6]
    • Access to Mobile Banking [7]

More ways to save money

We also offer CDs, money market accounts and IRAs. Choose the best account for your savings goals.

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