Fixed-Rate IRA[1]

This fixed-rate IRA is FDIC insured and earns interest at a fixed rate for the term of the time deposit.[2]

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Features of the Fixed-Rate IRA

£0 monthly maintenance fees

Flexible terms ranging from 6 to 60 months

Get started with £250[3]

Earn interest at a fixed rate

Fixed-Rate IRA details

  • Rates

    • Rates are fixed for the designated term. Visit a branch for further details.

    Annual Percentage Yield (APY)


    • 6 to 60-month terms
  • Minimum balance

    • £250 minimum opening deposit required
  • Additional deposits

    • Additional deposits are not allowed during the term.
    • Additional deposits can only be made during the grace period at maturity
  • The rules for withdrawing from an IRA vary depending on age and the type of IRA. Visit the IRS website for more information on IRA withdrawals.

    • No monthly maintenance fees
    • Fees for early withdrawal may apply[4]

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